Hystricomorphs in GURPS


Game Statistics

choose a species:
Species Male Female (optional)
enter weight (kg)
Captive? T?HR?

Guinea Pig


Rock Cavy


Mountain Viscacha

Plains Viscacha


The radio button entries in the table above give typical sizes of the hystricomorph species of the selected sex. If you want a larger or smaller specimen, enter the weight in kg manually.

The Captive checkbox is for animals that have been kept in captivity all their lives, without the ability to hone their skills like their wild relatives. It would be appropriate for a zoo animal.

Marking the T? checkbox will give you the stats in template form with all costs listed, otherwise you get a stat sheet as for a character.

Marking the HR? checkbox will print the information using all my house rules. Otherwise, the stats will be as compatable with plain vanilla GURPS as possible (although several custom advantages and disadvantages will be present, see my Traits page).

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