Coatis in GURPS

Nasua sp.

Coatis, sometimes called coatimundis or chulo, are procyonids with a pointed, flexible snout for rooting. There are two species, the white-nosed coati Nasua narica lives in Central America from Panama to as far north as parts of New Mexico and Arizona while the South American coati Nasua nasua lives in the Amazon down to the Argentine border. Coatis live in wooded habitats. They climb trees easily unless the bark is too smooth, and use trees for refuge and shelter. However, most of their day is spent foraging on the ground. A coati's long claws allow it to dig well, and they are strong swimmers.

Coati's snouts are elongated and flexible. They give the coati a good sense of touch and an excellent sense of smell as it roots around foraging for food. The flexibility allows the snout to poke into crevices and seek out prey. Coatis are generalist omnivores. They eat insects, small vertebrates, fruit, carrion, and eggs, which they locate primarily by smell under bark, leaves, and debris.

Female coatis live in large groups of relatives - typically around 15 individuals but sometimes more than 30. Females will often baby-sit each other's offspring. They will groom each other cooperative, but do not generally share food except with juveniles. Adult males usually live alone. In the breeding season males often fight with each other. Coati bands are usually somewhat aggressive with each other, although this does not always translate into fighting.

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