Rewards and Consequences

Rewards and Consequences

The adventure has come to a close. The heroes have emerged triumphant, or have retreated amid pain and blood and loss to lick their wounds. Or maybe our heroes have just reached a major goal or plot milestone (an episode), and have a brief period of respite before venturing forth once more into the fray. Or even a smaller-scale encounter has just been resolved, and the protagonists resolutely press on to the next. Now what?


After the dust has settled the players will want a denouement, where the strands of the plot are brought together, the consequences of their actions, for good or ill, are resolved, and the stage is set for the next adventure. This is where the referee tells them that the criminals they caught are brought to justice, the little girl who was injured during her rescue was all fixed up at the hospital and found her family again, and they learn family of the terrorist they shot has vowed bloody revenge on his slayers. This brings closure to the plot, and a satisfaction of seeing the effects of all they fought and risked and suffered and bled for.


Sometimes, characters will get injured. Anyone who has the Repairable trait can be put back together in about a week. This will allow these characters to get back into the action between adventures or episodes in the adventure. Recovering from major wounds when you are not repairable can take months. Some wounds, such as amputation, can be permanent for non-repairable characters. Assume that any non-permanent wound is healed between adventures, but not between episodes unless a long period of in-game time passes between the episodes. For more detail, see the section on healing.


A character's Mana will recharge between episodes and, to some extent, between encounters. Between every episode, every player character gains 3 Mana points, row shifted by their Spirit attribute. Between every encounter, they gain one Mana point, again row shifted by their Spirit.

Build Points

Overcoming hardships can be a good way to learn and improve oneself. Sometimes, failure can be an even greater teacher. The referee should consider giving each player a Build point after each major episode in which the character was significantly challenged.

Material Gain

Ah, loot! Sweet, phat loot! Freelance characters often go on adventures in order to get payed. Assuming their employer doesn't double cross them, they should get their rewards when they have achieved their mission objectives. Characters may also capture spoils of war, trophies, or treasure from their adventures. While more honest characters might try to return these to their rightful owners, very often characters can keep these for their own enrichment or enjoyment.

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