Gear: Atomic Age Armor

The Atomic Age sees the return of practical armor, with vests made of Kevlar able to offer protection against pistol rounds. These find use among police and civilians at risk of crime or assassination. However, in the military there are yet few effective personal defenses against rifles and what armor is worn is usually to protect against artillery fragments. For true protection against smallarm bullets, there is still nothing that beats steel, despite its weight.

DescriptionProtectsArmor ScoreInjury
Flak Jacket4-5+0-2½+1½-9 +2½ +1½-7¼4404
Bullet-Proof Vest4-5+2+2-9½ +3½3.5355
Rifle Plates4-5+5+2c-6 -3 +710455
Steel Helmet1+1c-9 +3 +6+2¾1.566(8f,4b)
Kevlar Helmet1+3+0+3½-9 +1 +7+3¾1.5156(8f,4b)

  • Flak Jacket: In the early periods of this age, kevlar had not yet been invented. Flak jackets made of ballistic nylon were used to stop fragments from explosions.
  • Bullet-Proof Vest: Midway through this age, the first Kevlar vests were introduced. These were flexible vests capable of protecting against most popular pistols of the time.
  • Rifle Plates: Rigid steel plate inserts that can fit into a body armor vest for additional protection against high powered firearms. These plates will protect against typical civilian rounds, but are not rated against armor penetrating rifle bullets. The plates themselves provide no padding, but use the Pad value of the vest they are used with. Use the same activation and armor roll for both the vest and the plates; for convenience, when both plates and vest activate ⊕ the armor scores together (+6½ when used with the above-listed body armor vest). A vest with the plates will be bulky and difficult to conceal under normal clothing.
  • Steel Helmet: In the early part of this age, helmets were still made of steel. They provided protection against fragments and some pistols.
  • Kevlar Helmet: A Kevlar-resin composite provides superior protection for the same weight compared to steel helmets.

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