Modern and Near Future Firearm Table

By late TL5 and early TL6, several developments had led to increased performance of firearms. First, machining and metalurgy allowed practical breach loaders, eliminating the cumbersome process of loading via the muzzle. Second, the introduction of the ammunition cartridge as a self contained unit containing primer, propellant, and bullet further simplified loading. Third, smokeless powder gave significantly increased performance as a propellant, allowing bullets to be launched at higher velocities. Finally, many mechanical designs were developed that allowed mechanical reloading from an interior magazine.

The upshot of this in game terms is that guns can fire faster, and the shooter can select his ammunition for desired properties.

In the future, it is assumed that incremental advances continue to improve firearms. At TL 9, caseless ammunition comes in to common use. This technology embeds the bullet in a block of solid propellant. It reduces the bulk and weight of the magazine, allowing more shots for the same weight. The lack of need to eject a shell casing also improves reliability. Caseless cartridges are identified by CLP, CL, or CLR in the tables.

Also at TL 9, electrothermal chemical firearms come in to use. These incorporate a power cell into the magazine or in each cartridge to control the burn of the propellant with an electric discharge. This allows a smoother burn and higher muzzle velocities. Electrothermal-chemical cartridges are identified by ETC or ETCs in the tables.

Medium-Velocity Firearms

This category includes guns that shoot their bullets at 500 m/s or less. These firearms propell their bullets at speeds quite sufficient to kill a man dead, dead, dead. For many weapons, this is good enough.

High-Velocity Firearms

The long barrels of rifles combined with smokeless powder as a propellant allows bullets to be launched at very high velocities. The extreme speed of these rifle bullets gives them different behavior when impacting a target. In game terms, this mostly affects the choice of ammunition available to the characters. For guns with speeds of more than 500 m/s, the following bullet options are available:

GUNS (PISTOL) (DX-4, or most other Guns at -2)
TL Weapon Damage Type Acc Range Speed Weight ROF Shots Min ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
6Auto Pistol, .22 LR5.5pi-1235[4,3,1.8,1.1]/6004001.5/0.337+1(3)8-22$3003
6Auto Pistol, .45 ACP7.5pi+1250[6,4,2.5,1.5]/8003001.5/0.337+1(3)10-23$8003
6Auto Pistol, 9 mm P9pi+0260[6,4,3,1.8]/8004001/0.238+1(3)9-22$5003
6Revolver, .38 Spcl7.5pi+0260[6,4,3,1.8]/8002501/0.136(3i)9-22$5003
6Snub Revolver, .38 Spcl7.5pi+0160[6,4,3,1.8]/8002500.7/0.135(3i)8-12$5003
7Machine Pistol, .32 ACP6pi+0240[5,3,2,1.2]/7002501.7/0.41420(3)9-22$9002
7Holdout Pistol, .380 APC6pi+0140[5,3,2,1.2]/7002500.6/0.135+1(3)7-12$3503
7Machine Pistol, 9 mm P9pi+0260[6,4,3,1.8]/8004002.5/0.52025(3)11-32$9002
7Revolver, .357 M10pi+0270[8,5,3.5,1.8]/9005001.5/0.136(3i)10-23$8503
7Revolver, .44 M12pi+1280[9,6,4,2.5]/11005001.5/0.1536(3i)11-24$8003
8Auto Pistol, 9 mm P9pi+0260[6,4,3,1.8]/8004001/0.3317+1(3)9-22$6003
8Auto Pistol, .40 S&W10pi+0.5260[7,5,3,2]/9003501/0.3315+1(3)9-23$6503
8Auto Pistol, .50 AE13pi+1280[10,7,4,2.5]/11004002/0.337+1(3)13-24$12503
9Sporting Pistol, 5.8 mm CLP4pi-1230[3,2,1.5,0.9]/5002500.6/0.2340+1(3)6-12$3503
9Medium Pistol, 7.5 mm CLP8pi-0.5250[6,4,2.5,1.5]/7004001/0.25330+1(3)8-22$4503
9Holdout Pistol, 7.5 mm CLP8pi-0.5150[6,4,2.5,1.5]/7004000.5/0.1318+1(3)7-12$2403
9Pistol, 8 mm ETC10pi+0260[8,5,3.5,1.8]/9006001.2/0.3330+1(3)9-22$10503
9Heavy Pistol, 10 mm CLP11pi+0.5270[8,6,3.5,2]/10004001.2/0.35320+1(3)10-23$5403
9Pistol, 10 mm ETC14pi+0.5290[10,7,4,2]/11006001.2/0.35320+1(3)11-24$12003
9Machine Pistol, 10 mm CLP11pi+0.5270[8,6,3.5,2]/10004001.5/0.51030+1(3)10-23$7502
9Ultra-Magnum Pistol, 15 mm CLP12pi+1.5280[9,6,4,2.5]/11003002/0.539+1(3)13-25$8703

GUNS (LONGARM) (DX-4, or most other Guns at -2)
TL Weapon Damage Type Acc Range Speed Weight ROF Shots Min ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
6SMG, .45 ACP7.5pi+12,350[6,4,2.5,1.5]/8003007/21350+1(3)12,10†-5,-62$23002
7SMG, 9 mm P9pi+02,360[6,4,3,1.8]/8004004/0.51025(3)10,8†-4,-52$6002
7SMG, 9 mm P9pi+02,460[6,4,3,1.8]/8004003.5/0.61330+1(3)9,8†-4,-52$12002
8PDW, 5.7 mm FN8pi-12,4100[6,4,2.5,1.2]/12007003/0.51050+1(3)8,7†-3,-42$16002
9PDW, 5.7 mm CL13pi-12,4150[10,7,4,2]/18008002/0.510100+1(3)8,6†-3,-42$10002
9PDW, 5.5 mm ETCs16pi-12,4200[12,8,5,2]/200011002/0.510100+1(3)8,7†-3,-42$18002
9Urban Assault Weapon4-4,-5$21002
SMG barrel, 10 mm CLP11pi+0.52,470[8,6,3.5,2]/1000400-/0.51040+1(3)10,8†2
Shotgun barrel, 00 Buckshot5pi+02,320[3.5,2.5,1.5,0.9]/350400-/0.35×95+1(3)12,10†4

GUNS (LONGARM) (DX-4, or most other Guns at -2)
TL Weapon Damage Type Acc Range Speed Weight ROF Shots Min ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
6Double Shotgun, 12 G34.5/0.122(3i)-5$2503
00 Buckshot5pi+020[3.5,2.5,1.5,0.9]/350400×910†4
6Double Shotgun, 20 G34/0.0822(3i)-5$2503
1 Buckshot4.5pi+018[3,2,1.5,0.8]/350400×99†4
6Pump Shotgun, 12 G33.5/0.2524+1(3i)-5$4503
00 Buckshot5pi+020[3.5,2.5,1.5,0.9]/350400×99†5
6Pump Shotgun, 20 G33/0.2024+1(3i)-4$4503
1 Buckshot4.5pi+018[3,2,1.5,0.8]/350400×99†4
7Auto Shotgun, 12 G34/0.3536+1(3i)-5$6003
00 Buckshot5pi+020[3.5,2.5,1.5,0.9]/350400×910†4
7Close Assault Weapon, 12 G35/0.551010+1(3)-5$8003
00 Buckshot5pi+020[3.5,2.5,1.5,0.9]/350400×910†4
8Dual Mag Shotgun, 12 G34/0.7537/7+1(3i)-5$12003
00 Buckshot5pi+020[3.5,2.5,1.5,0.9]/350400×910†4
9Shotgun Pistol, 12 G12/0.335+1(3)-3$3303
00 Buckshot5pi+020[3.5,2.5,1.5,0.9]/350400×9145
9Underbarrel Shotgun, 12 G20.7/0.325+1(3)-5$3003
00 Buckshot5pi+020[3.5,2.5,1.5,0.9]/350400×910†4

GUNS (LONGARM) (DX-4, or most other Guns at -2)
TL Weapon Damage Type Acc Range Speed Weight ROF Shots Min ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
6Target Rifle, .22 LR5.5pi-1535[4,3,1.8,1.1]/6004002.5/0.15310+1(3)6†-42$3003
6Lever Action Rifle, .30-3018pi+05200[12,9,5,2.5]/25008003/0.1525+1(2i)8†-43$4503
6Bolt Action Rifle, .30-0625pi+05300[18,12,8,3.5]/35009004/0.1515+1(3i)9†-53$9003
6Self-Loading Rifle, .30-0625pi+05300[18,12,8,3.5]/35009004.5/0.2538(3)10†-53$5003
6Auto Rifle, .30-0625pi+05300[18,12,8,3.5]/350090010/0.79!20(3)12(6B)†-62$23002
6Bolt Action Rifle, .375 H&H M25pi+0.55300[20,12,8,4]/35009004/0.215+1(3i)10†-55$9503
6Double Elephant Gun, .470 G&L28pi+15350[20,15,9,5]/35006005.5/0.222(3i)11†-55$20003
6Double Elephant Gun, .577 NE25pi+1.55350[20,15,8,4]/35006007/0.222(3i)13†-66$60003
7Assault Rifle, 5.56 mm N18pi-15200[15,9,6,2.5]/25009004/0.51230+1(3)8†-52$8002
7Assault Rifle, 7.62×39mm18pi+04200[12,9,5,2.5]/25007005/0.81030+1(3)9†-52$3002
7Battle Rifle, 7.62 mm N22pi+05300[18,12,7,3.5]/30008005/0.81120+1(3)10†-53$12002
7Assault Rifle, 5.45×39mm16pi-14200[12,8,5,2.5]/20009003.5/0.71130+1(3)8†-52$4002
7Bolt Action Rifle, .300 W M30pi+05350[25,15,9,4]/40009004/0.1515+1(3i)10†-54$9003
7Bolt Action Rifle, .458 W M25pi+15300[20,15,8,4]/35008004.5/0.513+1(3i)11†-55$11003
7Bolt Action Rifle, .460 Wby M35pi+15400[25,18,10,5]/40008004.5/0.612+1(3i)11†-56$9503
7Bolt Action Rifle, .50 BMG40pi+16+3500[30,20,12,6]/500090013.5/1.5111+1(3)16(8B)†-66$77503
8Assault Carbine, 5.56 mm N18pi-14200[15,9,6,2.5]/25009003/0.51530+1(3)8†-42$9502
8Sniper Rifle, .338 L M32pi+06+3400[25,18,10,5]/40009009/0.3514+1(3i)13(6B)†-64$50003
8Anti-Material Rifle, 20×110mm45pi+2.55600[35,25,15,7]/500080019/0.2511(3)20(11B)†-78$80002
  follow-up10[3.2]cr+1 ex
9Assault Carbine, 5.5 mm ETC22pi-14250[18,12,7,3]/300012003/0.71550+1(3)8†-42$28002
9Assault Rifle, 5.5 mm ETC22pi-15250[18,12,7,3]/300012003.5/0.71550+1(3)8†-52$28002
9Assault Carbine, 6 mm CL20pi-14250[15,11,6,3]/30009003/0.71550+1(3)8†-42$16002
9Battle Rifle, 7 mm CL22pi-0.55300[18,12,7,3.5]/30009004/0.71030+1(3)9†-53$16002
9Hunting Rifle, 6 mm CL20pi-15+2250[15,11,6,3]/30009003.5/0.15310+1(3)8†-52$8003
9Hunting Rifle, 7 mm CL22pi-0.55+2300[18,12,7,3.5]/30009003.5/0.1537+1(3)9†-53$8003
9Sniper Rifle, 7.6 mm ETC25pi+06+3300[20,12,8,3.5]/350012004.2/0.1537+1(3)9†-53$60003
9Storm Carbine, 10 mm CL25pi+0.54300[18,12,8,4]/30007004/11050+1(3)10†-54$18002
9Storm Rifle, 10 mm CLR32pi+0.55400[25,15,9,5]/40009005/0.6312+1(3)11†-55$27003
9Gatling Carbine, 5.7 mm CL13pi-14150[10,7,4,2]/18008005/140200+1(3)9†-52$24002
9Anti-Materiel Rifle, 15 mm CL45pi+1.56+3600[35,25,15,7]/500090014/1310+1(3)17(9B)†-67$80003
9Payload Rifle, 25 mm CL32pi+35400[25,18,11,6]/400040017/538+1(3)19(10B)†-78$80002

GUNS (LONGARM) (DX-4, or most other Guns at -2)
TL Weapon Damage Type Acc Range Speed Weight ROF Shots Min ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
7Grenade launcher, 40×46mm1.4pi+4218[1,0.8,0.6,0.4]/250802.9/0.1811(3)8†-44$5001
  follow-up16[5]cr+2 ex
7Underbarrel GL, 40×46mm1.4pi+4218[1,0.8,0.6,0.4]/250801.36/0.1811(3)10†-53$12501
8  follow-up16[5]cr+2 ex
8Revolver gren. launcher, 40×46mm1.4pi+4218[1,0.8,0.6,0.4]/250805.3/1.0836(3i)10†-53$15001
  follow-up16[5]cr+2 ex
9Grenade Rifle, 25 mm CLS9pi+3490[7,5,3.5,2]/12002004.5/139(3)10†-55$6001
  follow-up20[4.5]cr+3 ex
9Underbarrel GL, 25 mm CLS9pi+3390[7,5,3.5,2]/12002000.7/0.313(3i)10†-55$3001
  follow-up20[4.5]cr+3 ex

GUNS (LONGARM) (DX-4, or most other Guns at -2)
TL Weapon Damage Type Acc Range Speed Weight ROF Shots Min ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
6LMG, 7.62 mm N22pi+05300[18,12,7,3.5]/300080014/315!100(5)14(6B)†-62$66001
8SAW, 5.56 mm N18pi-15200[15,9,6,2.5]/250090010/312!200(5)12(5B)†-62$33001
9Lt Support Weapon, 7 mm CL22pi-0.55300[18,12,7,3.5]/30009007/2.515200(5)11(5B)†-62$30001
9Storm Chaingun, 10 mm CLR32pi+0.55400[25,15,9,5]/400090010/31060(5)13(7B)†-64$110001

GUNNER (MACHINE GUN) (DX-4, or other Gunner at -4)
TL Weapon Damage Type Acc Range Speed Weight ROF Shots Min ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
6HMG, .50 BMG40pi+16500[30,20,12,6]/500090040/158!100(5)28M-82$14 k1
6Auto-Cannon, 20×110mm45pi+2.56600[35,25,15,7]/500080060/15560(5)35M-82$20 k1
  follow-up9[3.2]cr+1 ex
7Vulcan Cannon, 20×10245pi+2.5 inc5600[35,25,15,7]/5000800110/?66!?44M-92$40 k1
  follow-up10[3.2]cr+1 ex
alternate attack45(2)pi+2.5 inc600[35(2),25(1.5),15,7]/500080044M2
8Chain Gun, 25×137mm55pi+3 inc6+3600[40,25,15,7]/60001000110/17330(5)46M-92$60 k1
  follow-up15[4.5]cr+2 ex
alternate attack75(2)pi+21200[60(1.5),40(1.5),20,10]/10000120045M2
alternate attack110(2)pi+1 inc2000[80(1.5),50,30]/18000150044M2
8Auto Grenade Launcher, 40×53mm10pi+4270[7,5,3.5,2]/100025034/20632(5)26M-82$17 k1
  follow-up16[5]cr+2 ex
9Heavy Chaingun, 15 mm CL45pi+1.56600[35,25,15,7]/500090035/61250(5)27M-82$34 k1
9Assault Cannon, 25 mm CL32pi+36400[25,18,11,6]/400040035/6834(5)28M-82$17 k1

Shotshell Ammunition Options
TL Weapon Damage Type Acc Range Speed Weight ROF Shots Min ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
620 Gauge
1 Buckshot4.5pi+018[3,2,1.5,0.8]/350400×9
3 Buckshot3.8pi-0.515[3,2,1.2,0.7]/300400×20
BB Shot2.5pi-1.511[2,1.2,0.8,0.5]/200400×25
4 Birdshot1.8pi-2.58[1.5,0.9,0.6,0.35]/150400×70
6 Birdshot1.5pi-37[1.1,0.8,0.5,0.3]/120400×110
612 Gauge
00 Buckshot5pi+020[3.5,2.5,1.5,0.9]/350400×9
1 Buckshot4.5pi+018[3,2,1.5,0.8]/350400×16
BB Shot2.5pi-1.511[2,1.2,0.8,0.5]/200400×50
4 Birdshot1.8pi-2.58[1.5,0.9,0.6,0.35]/150400×135
6 Birdshot1.5pi-37[1.1,0.8,0.5,0.3]/120400×225
94mm Flechettes25pi-2.53500[18,12,8,4]/5000500×11
3mm Flechettes18pi-33400[15,10,6,3]/4000500×26
  follow-up12[2.5]cr+1 ex
HEDP18(10)pi-1.5 inc30[3.5,2.5,1.5,0.9]4001
  linked9[2]cr+1 ex
  linkedBinding 8

Grenade Ammunition Options
TL Weapon Damage Type Acc Range Speed Weight ROF Shots Min ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
840×46mm, HE1.4pi+418[1,0.8,0.6,0.4]/250801
  follow-up16[5]cr+2 ex
alternate attack, HEDP22(10)pi+0 inc18[1,0.8,0.6,0.4]801
  linked13[4]cr+2 ex
alternate attack, Thermobaric1.4pi+418[1,0.8,0.6,0.4]/250801
  follow-up25cr+3 ex
alternate attack, Tear gas1.4pi+418[1,0.8,0.6,0.4]/250801
  linkedspec. (4 m)
alternate attack, Smoke1.4pi+418[1,0.8,0.6,0.4]/250801
  linkedspec. (4 m)
alternate attack, Flare1.4pi+418[1,0.8,0.6,0.4]/250801
alternate attack, buckshot3.8pi-0.515[3,2,1.2,0.7]/300400×20
9alternate attack, Tangler1.4pi+418[1,0.8,0.6,0.4]/250804
  linkedBinding 15
840×53mm, HE10pi+470[7,5,3.5,2]/10002501
  follow-up16[5]cr+2 ex
alternate attack, HEDP22(10)pi+0 inc70[7,5,3.5,2]2501
  linked13[4]cr+2 ex
925 mm CLS, HE9pi+390[7,5,3.5,2]/12002001
  follow-up20[4.5]cr+3 ex
alternate attack, HEDP25(10)pi-1 inc90[7,5,3.5,2]2001
  linked20[4]cr+3 ex
alternate attack, Tear gas9pi+390[7,5,3.5,2]/12002001
  linkedspec. (2 m)
alternate attack, Smoke9pi+390[7,5,3.5,2]/12002001
  linkedspec. (2 m)
alternate attack, Tangler1.2pi+350[0.9,0.7,0.5]/250501
  linkedBinding 11
alternate attack, Flare9pi+390[7,5,3.5,2]/12002001
alternate attack, buckshot4.5pi+018[3,2,1.5,0.8]/350400×20
alternate attack, flechette25pi-2.5500[18,12,8,4]/5000500×30
925 mm CL, ball32pi+3400[25,18,11,6]/40004001
alternate attack, HE16pi+3200[12,9,5,3]/25004001
  follow-up16[3.5]cr+2 ex
alternate attack, HEDP25(10)pi-1 inc200[12,9,5,3]4001
  linked13[2.8]cr+2 ex
alternate attack, Smoke16pi+3200[12,9,5,3]/25004001
  linkedspec. (2 m)
alternate attack, Tear gas1.2pi+380[0.9,0.7]/150501
  linkedspec. (2 m)
alternate attack, Tangler1.2pi+380[0.9,0.7]/150501
  linkedBinding 11

Explosive Warhead TL Progression
TL Weapon Damage Type Acc Range Speed Weight ROF Shots Min ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
12 Gauge
9HE12[2.5]cr+1 ex1
9HEDP18(10)pi-1.5 inc1
  linked9[2]cr+1 ex
9TanglerBinding 81
10HE13[2.5]cr+2 ex1
10HEDP25(10)pi-1.5 inc1
  linked11[2]cr+1 ex
10TanglerBinding 91
11HE16[2.5]cr+2 ex1
11HEDP38(10)pi-1.5 inc1
  linked13[2]cr+2 ex
11TanglerBinding 121
12HE20[2.5]cr+3 ex1
12HEDP45(10)pi-1.5 inc1
  linked16[2]cr+2 ex
12TanglerBinding 151
25 mm
9HE16[3.5]cr+2 ex1
9HEDP25(10)pi-1 inc1
  linked13[2.8]cr+2 ex
9TanglerBinding 111
10HE18[3.5]cr+3 ex1
10HEDP35(10)pi-1 inc1
  linked15[2.8]cr+2 ex
10TanglerBinding 121
11HE22[3.5]cr+3 ex1
11HEDP50(10)pi-1 inc1
  linked18[2.8]cr+3 ex
11TanglerBinding 151
12HE28[3.5]cr+4 ex1
12HEDP60(10)pi-1 inc1
  linked22[2.8]cr+3 ex
12TanglerBinding 201
40 mm
8HE16[5]cr+2 ex1
8HEDP22(10)pi+0 inc1
  linked13[4]cr+2 ex
9HE25[5]cr+3 ex1
9HEDP38(10)pi+0 inc1
  linked18[4]cr+3 ex
9TanglerBinding 151
10HE28[5]cr+4 ex1
10HEDP50(10)pi+0 inc1
  linked22[4]cr+3 ex
10TanglerBinding 181
11HE32[5]cr+4 ex1
11HEDP75(10)pi+0 inc1
  linked25[4]cr+3 ex
11TanglerBinding 251
12HE40[5]cr+5 ex1
12HEDP90(10)pi+0 inc1
  linked32[4]cr+4 ex
12TanglerBinding 301

[1] Includes "smartgun" electronics.
[2] Civilian semi-automatic version is RoF 3, LC +1, and -1 to minimum ST.

Custom Cartridge Ballistics
Bullet Mass:
Bullet Caliber:
Bullet Speed:
Bullet Aspect Ratio: (typically 1.5 for TL 5+ pistols and TL 5 rifles, 3 for TL6+ rifles)
Spherical; Material: (ignores mass entry, calculates mass based on size and material)
Gun Mass:
Gun Configuration:
Longarm (rifle or shotgun)
Bipod-supported longarm
Tripod-supported longarm
Under the hood: the physics of projectile ballistics

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