Eurasian Vipers, Adders, and Asps in GURPS

Vipera sp.

Eurasian vipers are are typically small snakes that range throughout Europe and Asia. Their bites are rarely life-threatening, although they can be quite painful. They tend to prefer cooler climates. Most viper species give live birth. Typical vibers are tan or slate colored with darker side blotches and a stripe of connected diamond shapes down the spine. Occasionally the spine stripe forms zig-zags or alternating bars rather than diamonds.

The more well-known and infamous species are listed below. Similar species can be found from Iberia to China, from Siberia to Arabia. Turkey and Iran have a particular diversity of viper species, most similar enough a layman would have a difficult time telling them apart. The default viper listed in the main table is a nose-horned viper.

Species Typical venom Size Range Habitat Notes
Potency Type Typical Maximum
Adder, V. berus mild hemo 10
necro 10
algesic 10
50 g 200 g Northern, central and eastern Europe (excluding Iberia, Italy, Greece, central and southern France); Isle of Britain; Russia; Siberia; Mongolia; north China. Moors, glades, rocky hillsides, heaths, meadows, woodland edges and clearings, bushland, hedgerows, and quarries. Most cold-adapted viper, will emerge even when snow is still on the ground. Some individuals are all black.
Asp, V. aspis medium hemo 10
necro 10
algesic 10
50 g 200 g Italy, central and southern FranceDry soils with some vegetation - sunny slopes, scrub, glades, forest borders and clearings, and meadows.Some populations may have neurotoxic venom in addition to the normal coctail.
Nose-horned viper, V. ammodytes potent hemo 10
necro 10
algesic 10
neuro 10
100 g 200 g Eastern and Mediterranean coastal Europe, Turkey, Georgia, Syria. Dry rocky hillsides with sparse vegeation. Occasionally clearings and edges of woodlands.Most dangerous viper in Europe. Small "horn" or protrusion on end of nose.
Palestine viper, V. palaestinae mild hemo 10
necro 10
algesic 10
200 g 500 g Syria, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon.Open oak woodland, orchards, gardens, fields. Responsible for most snakebites within its range.
Caucasus viper, V. kaznakovi potent hemo 10
necro 10
algesic 10
30 g 50 g Turkey, Georgia, Russia. Forested slopes, ravines, clearings, and orchards.Some are all black, or have striking red or red-and-black coloration. Pattern may be striped as well as blotched or zig-zags. Venom used in traditional medicine to stop heavy bleeding.

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