Horses in GURPS

Equus caballus

In prehistoric times, horses occured wild across Europe and northern Asia. They were largely extinct in the wild by the middle ages, although a relic population survives in Mongolia. Other groups of feral horses have been established in the Americas and Australia, where they have reverted to the form of their wild ancestors. The European wild horse was called the tarpan, the Mongolian wild horse has the name Przewalski's horse, and the feral North American horses are named mustangs. A number of Pleistocene American wild horses are known, which may or may not be in the same species as modern horses but surely can be treated as wild horses in game terms (Yukon Wild Ass, Mexican Horse, Scott's horse).

Horses have survived largely as human domesticates. Through selective breeding, their form and temperment has been altered to suit man's needs. The introduction of the horse as a mount has transformed many human societies, allowing European and Asian warriors to overrun their horseless neighbors, while the Native Americans of the Great Plains and the Palouse were able to become much more efficient hunters once mounted. Also important was the horse as a source of labor. By pulling a plow, a horse allows a man to cultivate large areas, while harnessed horses can pull loads for commerce or turn mills for grinding. Male horses that are not going to be used for breeding are usually gelded, as intact stallions tend to be more agressive and harder to work with.

Among the many varieties of domestic horses are:

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