Servals in GURPS

Leptailurus serval

Servals are spotted savanna cats from sub-Saharan Africa. They have unusually long legs, with a slender body and a short tail. It's ears are large and its hearing acute - it often locates prey by sound alone from several meters distance and captures it with a single pounce, even though tall grass completely obscures the serval's target from sight. They will leap two to three meters into the air to snatch flying birds. The main part of a serval's diet is rodents, but they also eat birds, deer fawns, gazelle and springbok calves, frogs, hyraxes, snakes, lizards, fish, hares, hyraxes, frogs, and insects.

In addition to meows, hisses, growls, and purrs, servals can chirp and grunt.

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