Cougars in GURPS

Puma concolor

The cougar is a large, tawny cat of the Americas. It goes by many names, including mountain lion, puma, panther, painter, and catamount. Originally present across the entire Americas from Patagonia to Canada, from the Pacific to the Atlantic, its range has been reduced in historical times to the more remote and mountainous areas. This large cat seems to be recovering, however, and is expanding its range into areas occupied by humans. It preys primarily on large hooved mammals - deer, mountain goats, bighorn sheep, and elk. It occasionally kills livestock or pets and on rare occasions will attack humans. Attacks on humans and their domestic animals are becoming more frequent as humans move into cougar habitat and as the big cats expand their range and increase in numbers. The expanding deer population around human cities is a likely factor that draws humans and cougars into contact. The cougar is particularly adept at hiding, seemingly able to blend in with nearly any natural terrain and often capable of hiding in plain sight. It is also a champion leaper, known to jump 6 meters straight up or 15 meters horizontally.

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