Scent Hounds in GURPS

Canis familiaris var. catahoula

Catahoula Leopard Dog
Scent hounds are breeds bred to track by scent. The more active varieties chase down game and bring it to bay, either by treeing it or surrounding it and attacking. They are typically characterized by their loud bay when tracking or upon finding their quarry, love of running, and a notable scent-oriented lifestyle.

This gives the stats for a typical hunting scent hound in good condition. Although based on the Louisiana catahoula leopard dog, the same stats can be used for any of the hunting hounds, such as english fox hounds, coon hounds, black mouth curs, and the like. Some scent hounds are larger (such as the bloodhound, SM 0, ST 9) or smaller (such as the beagle, SM -2, ST 6). Varieties not used for chasing quarry, such as basset hounds, should be given reduced move and the Enhanced Move advantage removed.

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