Lechwes and Kin

Kobus sp.

A group of mid sized semi-aquatic antelope can be found in Africa, variously called lechwes, kobs, pukus, and waterbuck. They are delicately proportioned antelope, graceful of movement, and the males are equipped with large, backwards-swept spiral horns. Seldom found far from water, they are good swimmers and will graze on water plants in depths up to shoulder height.

These water-dwellers can gather into herds of thousands. Among the waterbuck, young males move about in bachelor herds, full adult males establish territories from which they exclude all other males. The Lechwes and Kobs have a rather different system, with males in rut gathering in leks, or ritualized display arenas. Each male defends a small area, those closer the center are more highly prized for the females favor those bucks in the middle of the lek, scorning the losers on the periphery.

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