Muscle Powered Projectile Weapons


Range for muscle powered weapons is either a fixed number or given in multiples of the character's Basic Speed, not ST!

Weapon Strength

Some muscle powered ranged weapons have a Weapon ST, abbreviated wST. This is the minimum ST the wielder needs to use the weapon properly. Damage is computed from the Weapon ST, not the wielder's ST.

Muscle-Powered Ranged Weapon Table

TL Weapon Type Damage Acc Range Weight ROF Shots Cost Min ST Bulk
0 Bow 2 ST/5 1 1(2) $50+$5×ST =wST -7
0 Broadhead Arrow imp +1/die 150/200 0.05 $2
3 Bodkin Arrow imp-4 +2/die (2) 100/150 0.1 $2
3 Flight Arrow imp-4 +0/die 300/400 0.03 $2
6 Compound Bow 3 ST/5 1 1(2) $100+$5×ST =wST -7
Broadhead Arrow imp +2/die 200/300 0.05 $2
Bodkin Arrow imp-4 +3/die (2) 150/200 0.1 $2
Flight Arrow imp-4 +1/die 350/500 0.03 $2

TL Weapon Type Damage Acc Range Weight ROF Shots Cost Min ST Bulk
2 Crossbow 4 ST/3 1 1(4) $100+$5×ST =wST -6
Broadhead Bolt imp +1/die 150/200 0.05 $2
3 Bodkin Bolt imp-4 +2/die (2) 100/150 0.1 $2
3 Flight Bolt imp-4 +0/die 300/400 0.03 $2

TL Weapon Type Damage Acc Range Weight ROF Shots Cost Min ST Bulk
0 Sling pi +0 ST 0 ×12/×20 0.2/0.02 1 1(2) $20 - -4

Spear Thrower
TL Weapon Type Damage Acc Range Weight ROF Shots Cost Min ST Bulk
0 Atlatl imp +6 ST 0 ×12/×20 0.5/0.5 1 1(4) $20 7 -4
0 Woomera imp +10 ST 0 ×8/×10 0.5/1 1 1(4) $20 10 -6
0 Clovis-point imp+3 +12 ST 0 ×6/×8 0.5/2 1 1(4) $20 12 -6

Thrown Weapon (Axe/Mace)
TL Weapon Type Damage Acc Range Weight ROF Shots Cost Min ST Bulk
0 Hatchet cut +5 ST 0 ×2/×3 1 1 T(1) $40 8 -2
0 Throwing Axe cut +6 ST 0 ×1.5/×2 1.5 1 T(1) $60 10 -3
2 Small Mace cr +6 ST 0 ×1.5/×2 1.5 1 T(1) $35 10 -3

Thrown Weapon (Harpoon)
TL Weapon Type Damage Acc Range Weight ROF Shots Cost Min ST Bulk
0 Harpoon imp+4 +6 ST 0 ×2/×3 3 1 T(1) $60 11 -6

Thrown Weapon (Knife)
TL Weapon Type Damage Acc Range Weight ROF Shots Cost Min ST Bulk
0 Large Knife imp+1 +0 ST 0 ×2/×3 0.5 1 T(1) $40 5 -2
0 Small Knife imp -1/die 0 ×1/×2 0.25 1 T(1) $30 3 -1
0 Dagger imp -2/die 0 ×1/×2 0.1 1 T(1) $20 2 -1

Thrown Weapon (Spear)
TL Weapon Type Damage Acc Range Weight ROF Shots Cost Min ST Bulk
0 Light Spear imp+1 +2 ST 0 ×2/×3 0.5 1 T(1) $40 9 -6
0 Javelin imp +1 ST 0 ×3/×4 0.25 1 T(1) $30 3 -1

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