Laser Heat Rays

Laser heat rays emit continuous beams of light, that must be held on target for long enough to disable it. Typically, the beam will need to dwell on hard targets for several seconds in order to burn through armor. Heat rays cause burning (not tight beam burning) damage.

Heat ray lasers are experimental in early TL 8, and are fielded on warships and as area defense stations against mortars, rockets, artillery, drones, and aircraft in late TL 8. They continue in use into TL 9, until they are superceeded by high energy lasers.

TL 9, beam color 1 micron

Change beam color
Beam Color:
TL Weapon Type Damage Acc Range Mass (kg) ROF Shots Min ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC
9Point Defense Laserburn+4.5 2.5 21+5 9 km/- 800/20 10 10000 103M -10 1 500 k 1
9Area Defense Laserburn+6 4.5 21+5 25 km/- 5000/120 10 10000 251M -10 1 2.5 M 1
9Ship Laserburn+7 5.5 21+5 50 km/- 10000/250 10 10000 360M -10 1 6 M 1
9Theater Defense Laserburn+7.5 8 21+5 110 km/- 30000/600 10 10000 626M -10 1 18 M 1
9Space Defense Laserburn+11 28 21+5 2000 km/- 2000000/30000 10 10000 5348M -10 1 1.2 G 1

     Point Defense Laser: This laser is commonly mounted on medium trucks, heavy aircraft, and naval vessels for defense against incoming munitions and small, thin-skinned vehicles. Skill: Gunner (Beams). Aperture 25 cm. Depth of focus multiplier 0.12. Beam power 90 kW. Energy used per shot 25 kJ. Complete Diesel refueling 20 kg, $20.
     Area Defense Laser: A laser commonly mounted on armored trucks or aircraft to defend an area from incoming munitions, light vehicles, and infantry. Skill: Gunner (Beams). Aperture 40 cm. Depth of focus multiplier 0.15. Beam power 500 kW. Energy used per shot 150 kJ. Complete Diesel refueling 120 kg, $120.
     Ship Laser: This laser is commonly mounted aboard naval vessels for rapid destruction of threatening munitions as well as direct attack of other vehicles. Skill: Gunner (Beams). Aperture 60 cm. Depth of focus multiplier 0.12. Beam power 1000 kW. Energy used per shot 300 kJ. Complete Diesel refueling 250 kg, $250.
     Theater Defense Laser: This laser may be mounted aboard large naval vessels, dedicated heavy aircraft, or in fixed emplacements for defense of a wide region. Its long range allows engagement of ballistic missiles, and it can even reach into the lowest of orbits for limited anti-satellite use. Skill: Gunner (Beams). Aperture 100 cm. Depth of focus multiplier 0.1. Beam power 2500 kW. Energy used per shot 800 kJ. Complete Diesel refueling 600 kg, $600.
     Space Defense Laser: This laser is designed to defend a large part of a continent from space-based threats in low and medium orbit. Skill: Gunner (Beams). Aperture 500 cm. Depth of focus multiplier 0.07. Beam power 120000 kW. Energy used per shot 35000 kJ. Complete Diesel refueling 30000 kg, $30000.
Heat ray beam pointer directing laser light onto a target.

Custom Heat Ray Laser Weapon

Custom Heat Ray Laser Weapon
Damage: d +
or d ×
Energy Source: TL: Internal Magazine
Aperture (cm):
Beam Color:
beamer - a weapon without stock or pistol grip, like a flashlight or cutting tool.
pistol - a weapon with a pistol grip but without a stock.
rifle - a weapon with shoulder stock and grip.
cannon - a weapon designed to be fired from a tripod, turret, or weapon mount.
pointer - a weapon where the beam is directed through an external turreted beam pointer telescope.

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