Beam Color:
UV-C UV-B UV-A violet blue green yellow orange red 1 μm 1.5 μm
Mass (kg)
Min ST
9 Point Defense Laser Burn 1d-1 21+5 9 km/- 800/20 10 10000 103M -10 1 500 k 1 9 Area Defense Laser Burn 1d+1 21+5 25 km/- 4000/100 10 10000 226M -10 1 2 M 1 9 Ship Laser Burn 1d+2 21+5 50 km/- 10000/250 10 10000 360M -10 1 6 M 1 9 Theater Defense Laser Burn 2d+1 21+5 120 km/- 35000/800 10 10000 686M -10 1 20 M 1 9 Space Defense Laser Burn 8d 21+5 2000 km/- 2000000/30000 10 10000 5348M -10 1 1.2 G 1
Descriptions Point Defense Laser : This laser is commonly mounted on medium trucks, heavy aircraft, and naval vessels for defense against incoming munitions and small, thin-skinned vehicles. Skill: Gunner (Beams). Aperture 25 cm. Depth of focus multiplier 0.12. Beam power 90 kW. Energy used per shot 25 kJ. Complete Diesel refueling 20 kg, $20. Area Defense Laser : A laser commonly mounted on armored trucks or aircraft to defend an area from incoming munitions, light vehicles, and infantry. Skill: Gunner (Beams). Aperture 40 cm. Depth of focus multiplier 0.12. Beam power 400 kW. Energy used per shot 120 kJ. Complete Diesel refueling 100 kg, $100. Ship Laser : This laser is commonly mounted aboard naval vessels for rapid destruction of threatening munitions as well as direct attack of other vehicles. Skill: Gunner (Beams). Aperture 60 cm. Depth of focus multiplier 0.12. Beam power 1000 kW. Energy used per shot 300 kJ. Complete Diesel refueling 250 kg, $250. Theater Defense Laser : This laser may be mounted aboard large naval vessels, dedicated heavy aircraft, or in fixed emplacements for defense of a wide region. Its long range allows engagement of ballistic missiles, and it can even reach into the lowest of orbits for limited anti-satellite use. Skill: Gunner (Beams). Aperture 100 cm. Depth of focus multiplier 0.1. Beam power 3500 kW. Energy used per shot 1000 kJ. Complete Diesel refueling 800 kg, $800. Space Defense Laser : This laser is designed to defend a large part of a continent from space-based threats in low and medium orbit. Skill: Gunner (Beams). Aperture 500 cm. Depth of focus multiplier 0.07. Beam power 120000 kW. Energy used per shot 35000 kJ. Complete Diesel refueling 30000 kg, $30000.
Heat ray beam pointer directing laser light onto a target.
Custom Heat Ray Laser Weapon
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